How to: Isopod Care
Dwarf Species (Colloquial Classification)
We consider Dwarf Isopods to be suitable for all tropical & temperate enclosures which have fairly moist (not necessarily wet) substrate, and a minimum of 50% relative humidity. In addition to being kept as pets & utilized as detritivores within live vivarium environments, these dwarf species are sometimes offered as feeders for small insectivores. Dwarf varieties seem to reproduce fastest when kept between 70-80F, but they will survive in both higher and lower temperatures.
We consider this species an excellent choice for all temperate & tropical live vivarium’s (50-95% relative humidity) which house medium or large inhabitants. (Over 6-7in long) We keep these between 70-84F, and provide a slightly moist substrate at all times. It's especially important to provide a source of leaf litter when keeping this species, since hungry individuals can sometimes turn on live plants when their preferred food source runs short.
Armadillidium (Genus)
Unlike our smaller varieties, these reproduce significantly slower and are far less common in the hobby. Although they perform the same function as any other Isopod we carry in a live vivarium environment, Armadillidium species seem to be more commonly kept as pets by invertebrate enthusiasts. If they'll be used as a detritivore within a vivarium designed for another primary inhabitant, we strongly recommend allowing extra time to ensure they can establish a large enough population.
Porcellio Dilatatus – Giant Canyon Isopods:
Keep population density low for growing large individuals and for breeding.
Temp: 75-85 Degrees F.
Food: Dried Leaves and Fish Flakes
Substrate: Coconut Coir Bedding and Leaf Litter.
Humidity: Moderate 50-60%
Porcellionides Pruinosus - Powder Blue / Powder Orange Isopods:
Temp: 68 to 80 Degrees F.
Food: Dried Leaves and Fish Flakes
Substrate: Coconut Coir Bedding and Leaf Litter.
Humidity: Humid 80-90%
Armadillidium Maculatum - Zebra Isopods:
Temp: 75-85 Degrees F.
Food: Dried Leaves and Fish Flakes
Substrate: Coconut Coir Bedding and Leaf Litter.
Humidity: Drier, but moist area
Trichorhina Tomentosa – Dwarf White Isopods:
Temp: 80-85 Degrees F.
Food: Dried Leaves and Fish Flakes
Substrate: Coconut Coir Bedding and Leaf Litter.
Humidity: Humid 80-90%
Cubaris sp. – Rubber Ducky Isopods:
Temp: 70-78 Degrees F.
Food: Dried Leaves and Fish Flakes
Substrate: Coconut Coir Bedding and Leaf Litter.
Humidity: Moderate 50-60%