The Ultimate Guide to Crested Gecko Nutrition
Crested geckos are gaining popularity as pets due to their low maintenance and suitability for both beginners and experienced reptile enthusiasts. These omnivorous creatures thrive on a balanced diet of plant-based and animal-based foods. Although research on their natural diet in the wild is limited, observing their behavior in captivity has helped determine a suitable diet for these geckos.
Complete Gecko Diet (CGD) A commercial powder mix called "Complete Gecko Diet" (CGD) has been formulated to provide all the essential nutrients that crested geckos need, including fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals. The CGD is mixed with water and placed in a small condiment cup in the gecko's enclosure three or four times a week. Some products have dried insects added to them, which is recommended. It's crucial to purchase a complete gecko diet rather than a supplement.
While CGD can be the sole food source for crested geckos, supplementing their diet with live insects ensures optimum health. Live feeders should be added to the gecko's diet two or three times a week, dusted with calcium plus D3 and gut-loaded using salad or a prepared supplement.
Safe feeder insects for crested geckos include: Staples (2-3 times per week):
- Dubia Roaches
- Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Nutrigrubs)
- Butterworms
- Crickets
- Superworms
- Silkworms
Treats (Once per week):
- Hornworms (nutrient-rich but high in hydration, can cause diarrhea)
- Waxworms (well-rounded nutrition but high in fat)
- Mealworms (hard chitin, ideally should be avoided)
Avoid feeding your gecko wild-caught insects as they may contain pesticides, parasites, or diseases. Always purchase feeder insects from a reputable supplier like Got Feeders.
Crested geckos hydrate by licking droplets from their enclosure's glass or accessories. Misting the sides of the enclosure and accessories daily is essential for maintaining proper hydration. Aim to keep water droplets available for your gecko at all times in their habitat.