Understanding Bearded Dragon Bites: How Painful Are They?

Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are among the most sociable and friendly reptiles, making them popular as pets. Although they are not known for aggression, it's essential to understand their bite and how to handle them to avoid any distress.

Bearded dragons have a powerful jaw structure, with teeth that are part of their lower skull. They use their strong jaws for biting and chewing food, and when needed, to kill prey. The strength of their bite means that if they bite you, it can be painful. However, the pain level depends on the dragon's size. A smaller dragon's bite may feel like a pinch and not draw blood, whereas a larger dragon's bite can be more painful and cause a wound.

While their nails aren't used to scratch intentionally, they can accidentally scratch you if they become too long, potentially causing a wound. It's important to disinfect any injuries caused by their nails, as bacteria may be present.

Bearded dragons are docile and gentle creatures that typically only bite as a last resort in self-defense. To avoid provoking a bite, ensure you handle your dragon gently and are mindful of how you pick them up and hold them. If you are bitten and sustain a wound, disinfect it and treat it like any other wound, seeking medical advice if necessary. Although their bite contains a mild venom, it poses no harm to humans.

1 comment

  • My beardie doesn’t want anything to do with me—-will let me hand feed him some . Doesn’t like water. He bitter crap out of my thumb it hurt like crap. Guess I’ll never hold him again

    Brenda Neff

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